Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

6 cause atshma disease factor

Asthma, a chronic form of inflammation that occurs in the respiratory tract. Usually asthma have symptoms that vary in each person, which is triggered by many factors. Asthma usually makes sufferers become breathless and hard to breathe because of inflammation in the respiratory tract.

If you are one of those who often suffer from asthma, you probably already know why you suffer asthma may recur. There are many factors that could be the cause of asthma is raised.

1. Genetic Factors

One of the factors that most often the cause of the recurrence of asthma, or contracting someone with asthma is genetic or inborn. Genetic or congenital factors are derived by the previous generation, such as parents, grandparents, or great-grandfather. Someone get the knack of asthma due to hereditary or genetic factors typically experience symptoms - asthma symptoms that are similar to their parents or grandparents first.

Asthma acquired or congenital genetic makeup is more difficult to be eliminated, only reduced the symptoms - symptoms gradually.

Genetic factors, besides coming from heredity, have several other factors
2. Factor Line Condition Breath

As previously known, asthma occurs when a person's airways become irritated, so that narrows and causes difficulty breathing, or so-called shortness of breath. There are some people who have a respiratory condition that is very sensitive, so easily avoid irritation to the windpipe. This causes them to be more susceptible to asthma, because the channel conditions winded easily irritated.

3. Environmental Factors

Another factor that greatly affects the recurrence of asthma are factors originating from the surrounding environment. Surrounding environment has many types of pollutants and other things that could make your respiratory tract irritation and narrowing, until finally experiencing shortness of breath.
4. Factors Medical Condition

Another factor that can cause asthma symptoms to you is a factor derived from medical conditions. Medical conditions may include the effects of the use of medications - certain medicines, or the condition of patients with a disease that can affect their respiratory tract. Here are some medical conditions that can cause a recurrence of asthma you:

Bronchitis is a disease that attacks the lungs - pulmonary and automatically part of your respiratory tract will be disrupted because of the presence of this disease.

5. Stress

Stress has been shown to adversely affect the person's health condition. People with high stress levels, and even feel the depression will experience some ganggua - health problems, one of which is experiencing the causes of asthma and shortness of breath is.

6. Excessive exercise

Exercise is very good for health, but excessive exercise is not recommended. Especially for people who have talent as asthmatics. Excessive exercise will greatly disrupt the ability of breathing, so the symptoms of asthma and shortness of breath will arise and very disturbing daily activities.

Those are some factors that cause asthma. Try to avoid the factors that you think could be avoided, then you will avoid the risk of the disease.

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